RMD Calculator 2025

RMD Calculator 2025

RMD Calculator 2025

Your Estimated RMD is: ₹0.00

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is an RMD?

An RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) is the minimum amount you must withdraw from your retirement accounts once you reach a certain age.

2. Why do I need to take RMD?

RMDs ensure that individuals don’t leave retirement funds untouched for an indefinite period, which helps generate tax revenue.

3. At what age do I need to start taking RMD?

Generally, you must start taking RMDs by April 1 of the year after you turn 72.

4. How is the RMD amount calculated?

The RMD is calculated by dividing the retirement account balance by a life expectancy factor published by the IRS.

5. Can I take more than the RMD?

Yes, you can withdraw more than the required minimum, but any amount over the RMD is not exempt from taxes.

6. Is there a penalty for not taking the RMD?

Yes, if you do not take the RMD, you may face a penalty of 50% of the amount that should have been withdrawn.

7. Can I withdraw my entire balance instead of RMD?

Yes, you can choose to withdraw your entire balance, but it will have tax implications.

8. Do I need to take RMD from all my retirement accounts?

You need to take an RMD from each retirement account, but you can aggregate the RMD from multiple accounts for IRAs.

9. What happens if I don’t withdraw my RMD on time?

If you miss your RMD, you will incur a 50% penalty on the amount that was not withdrawn.

10. Can I use my RMD to pay for medical expenses?

Yes, you can use your RMD for medical expenses, and they may be deductible under certain conditions.

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